Best Parental Controls For Mac

  1. Parental Controls For Mac Os

Find out what the best parental control apps, parental control software, routers & firewalls are of 2018. SafeWise reviews the best in parental control options. Mac, or mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. With so many ways to access the internet, we like that Net Nanny works on just about any platform. The Mac's Parental Controls feature is a method of controlling the applications and content a specific user may use or view. The Parental Controls feature also allows you to control incoming and outgoing email, as well as which iChat pals are allowed contact.

Configured correctly, Parental Controls are remarkably effective. But you may want to do more. Your next steps depend on how strict you want to be and how much you trust your children. Beyond talking to them, there are several ways to allow them access to the online world while retaining some control.

Keep an Eye Out

Even if you trust your children, you might feel better if you can track their activities (and, even better, if you tell them you’re doing so). Parental Controls’ logs provide some monitoring options, but you can take this even further.


If you and your child have separate Macs, you can watch his screen via Leopard’s Screen Sharing feature. First log on to his Mac as an administrator and switch on Screen Sharing in the Sharing preference pane. In Allow Access For, select Only These Users, click on the plus-sign button, and choose Administrators.

To observe, go back to your Mac and, from the Finder, choose Go: Network. Locate the name of your kid’s Mac, launch it, and click on Share Screen. You can now see what he’s doing on his machine—and even control it. Your child can try to cut you off (by choosing Disconnect, and then your Mac’s IP address, from the Screen Sharing menu in the menu bar), but you’ll still remain connected.

If your family shares a single Mac, SpectorSoft’s $150 Spector for Mac OS takes frequent snapshots of the screen and can log keystrokes without your children’s knowledge. When you want to see what your kids were doing while using the computer, launch the program, play back the snapshots as a movie, or look at the keystroke log.


Stop File Sharing

For kids, it may be hard to resist the appeal of downloading free music and videos (and just as hard to understand the legal issues). But if you’d rather not have the recording industry’s lawyers banging on your door, you’ll want to put an end to any peer-to-peer file-sharing. Leopard’s firewall can help.

Open the Security preference pane, click on the Firewall tab, and select the Allow Only Essential Services option. This will also disable screen sharing, file sharing, and other such services. If that’s too limiting, choose Set Access For Specific Services And Applications instead, which keeps all enabled sharing services running. If you’re concerned that your kids are doing illegal swapping, tell the firewall to block incoming connections from any file-sharing programs on the Mac (click on the plus sign to add the program, and from the pull-down menu to the right, select Block Incoming Connections). Better yet, remove those programs altogether.

Some BitTorrent clients use port forwarding to work around the firewall, which means you can’t stop downloads, no matter which firewall setting you choose. To see whether your kids have been downloading files using a BitTorrent client, click on the Advanced button at the bottom of the Security window and check the Enable Firewall Logging option. Select the Open Log button to view a list of activities. If you see entries for BitTorrent clients (such as Transmission, Azureus, or BitTorrent), you can uninstall them.

Users who are savvy about security may find it frustrating that Leopard’s firewall doesn’t provide an easy way to open or close specific ports. Hanynet’s free NoobProof () offers a simple interface for opening and closing ports within Leopard’s firewall.

Limit Content

Leopard’s Internet controls for parents are a vast improvement over earlier offerings, but they still may not fully meet your needs. With the help of robust filtering utilities and Web services, you can gain more control.

All-in-One If you’re looking for comprehensive control over your kids’ Mac activities, check out Intego’s $50 ContentBarrier X4 (), which can halt or filter a number of activities for each account on your Mac (including those already restricted by Parental Controls).

For instance, you can forbid access to questionable Web sites, block streaming content, filter e-mail and chats for inappropriate language, and block peer-to-peer file sharing and newsgroup access. ContentBarrier can also keep a log of your kids’ activities and e-mail it to you as often as once an hour. The program is great if you haven’t upgraded to Leopard, or if you find that Leopard’s Parental Controls don’t provide enough control over certain activities.

Web Filters Are you primarily concerned about your kids’ Web surfing habits? Several services can shield children from objectionable content. Blue Coat’s free K9 Web Protection service creates an Internet proxy on your Mac to filter and block inappropriate Web sites (as of press time, only a beta version for Mac OS X was available). The service sorts sites by category, such as pornography, illegal drugs, social networking, and gaming. You can instruct the filter to block certain categories while ignoring others. You can still allow or bar specific sites.

Google is a terrific resource, but even if you turn on its filtering features, it’s easy to get lost in all the search results—and distinguishing bad information from good is difficult even for adults. For $5 a month or $50 a year, Thinkronize’s netTrekker home () acts as a search portal, directing kids to teacher-approved Web sites that contain the knowledge they need to complete their schoolwork.

These filters promise to protect kids from unseemly content. How effective are they? To find out, I put propriety aside and went spelunking in the darker corners of the Web.

I started by searching for every naughty word I could think of. Combined with Google’s filtering powers, OS X’s Parental Controls’ Web-site filtering option largely thwarted my Web searches. The scientific names for body parts and sexual acts turned up appropriately clinical results without sleaze. Coarser words produced an “Oops! You Can’t See Pages on This Website” message. And Parental Controls’ logs enumerated my every search. I was, however, able to sneak past Parental Controls when I plugged in some innocent-sounding adult Web sites.

I had mixed results with third-party programs and services that filter content. The best was Blue Coat’s K9 Web Protection service. It blocked any adult sites I attempted to visit. Intego’s ContentBarrier X4 startled me more than once with its loud buzzing alarm when I attempted to access verboten URLs. Like Parental Controls, though, it didn’t block innocent-sounding test Web sites. I was, however, able to add these sites to the program’s block list.

Augmenting the Age of Innocence

The Mac is a wonderful resource for children: not only is it an expansive educational resource, but it’s also an art and movie studio, a killer jukebox, and a sophisticated communications device. Sure, all that power can become a problem if left in inexperienced, unguided hands. But with these tips and the proper parental oversight, you can control the Mac’s power so that it enhances your children’s growth and development.

Kid-Friendly Add-Ons

A Mac can do wonders for kids. With the following additions, you can enhance the experience even more.

Scribble Pads Wacom’s $99 Bamboo Fun small tablet () includes an easy-to-grip stylus and copies of Adobe Photoshop Elements () and Corel Painter Essentials (). If those are too advanced, try Software MacKiev’s $40 KidPix Deluxe 3X (), Ambient Design’s $25 ArtRage (), or plasq’s $25 Doozla ().

Easy Snapper Fisher-Price’s $50 Kid-Tough Digital Camera has a built-in flash, stores up to 60 640-by-480-pixel images (it also has an SD memory card slot), and is packed in a case sturdy enough to withstand playground drops; it’s a great gateway into photography for kids three and up.

Protective Armor Children under the age of nine have a supernatural knack for getting jam and crumbs into every nook and cranny. Get a screen-cleaning system, such as RadTech’s $7 to $15 OmniCleanz or Meridrew Enterprises’ $25 iKlear Apple Polish Cleaning Kit. To protect your keyboard, consider a plastic overlay from iSkin or zCover.

[Christopher Breen may be a Macworld senior editor to some, but he’s “Mr. Dada” to his seven-year-old daughter.]

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Parental Controls For Mac Os

You don't have to hover over your children's shoulders, watching their every move, in order to keep them safe. Apple has a number of parental control features for the Mac to help protect them as they browse the internet, use apps, and play games. You can even set time limits for your little ones' computer activities so they don't overuse their allotted screen time. Here's how to set up and manage Parental controls on your Mac.

If you are looking for how to use parental controls on iOS, check out our ultimate guide to parental controls on iPhone and iPad.

How to create a new user account with parental controls on the Mac

If you currently only have one user account (your administrator account), you'll need to create a new account that you can add parental controls to. This secondary app can be your children's separate log in.

  1. Click on the Apple icon in the far left corner of your Mac's screen.
  2. Select System Preferences from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Parental Controls.
  4. Select Create a new account with parental controls.
  5. Click on Continue.

  6. Enter your administrative username and password.
  7. Click unlock.

  8. When the new user account window appears, select an age group.
  9. Enter the name of the child that will be using the new account.

  10. Enter a username for the account.
  11. Create a password for the account.
  12. Verify the password.

  13. Add a password hint in case you forget it (remember, you won't use this password as often as your child, since it is not going to be your main account).
  14. Click on Create User to create a new account.

Repeat this process for each child you would like to create a separate account for. When you create a new log in account, you will be asked to follow the steps to signing into iCloud. If your child does not have his or her own iCloud account, you can skip this process.

How to enable remote access to parental controls on a different Mac

Once you've created separate accounts with parental controls for your children, you can restrict and change access and privileges from another computer as long as you know the administrator name and password of the account of the computer they are using and both computers must be on the same network.

  1. Click on the Apple icon in the far left corner of your Mac's screen.
  2. Select System Preferences from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Parental Controls.
  4. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window.

  5. Enter the administrator username and password for your Mac.
  6. Click Unlock

  7. Tick the box for Manage parental controls from another computer.
  8. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window to prevent further changes.

To access this account's parental controls from another Mac:

  1. On the remote Mac, click on the Apple icon in the far left corner of your screen.
  2. Select System Preferences from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Parental Controls.
  4. Click on Manage parental controls on another Mac.
  5. Click Continue.

You will be able to manage app use, limit website access, restrict usage, set up privacy preferences, and all other parental controls you normally access from the same Mac.

How to manage app usage with parental controls on the Mac

Once your children's accounts are created, you can manage what apps they can use, including whether they can use the camera, play multiplayer games with Game Center, access the Mail app, and more.

  1. Click on the Apple icon in the far left corner of your Mac's screen.
  2. Select System Preferences from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Parental Controls.
  4. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window.

  5. Enter the administrator username and password for your Mac.
  6. Click Unlock.

  7. Select an account that has parental controls enabled.
  8. Click on the Apps tab at the top of the Parental Controls window.

  9. Untick the box for Allow use of camera if you don't want your child using any camera on this Mac.
  10. Tick the box for Allow joining Game Center multiplayer games if you want your child to be able to play games online with friends and strangers.

  11. Tick the box for Limit Mail to allowed accounts to allow your child to use the Mail app.

    • Click Manage to add email contacts to the approved sender list.
    • Tick the box for Send request to: and enter your email address to receive a notification whenever your child tries to email a person that is not on the approved sender list.

  12. Tick the box for Limit Applications on the Mac to manually select which apps and games your child can access.

  13. Select the apps you want your child to have access to. Apps not on the approved list will need your administrator name and password.
  14. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window before closing it to prevent further changes.

How to restrict website access with parental controls on the Mac

The internet can be a dangerous place for an unsupervised child, but it isn't practical to stand over your little one's shoulder while he or she surfs the web. The most important thing to do is teach your children how to use the internet safely, but you can also help protect them by restricting access to only certain websites.

  1. Click on the Apple icon in the far left corner of your Mac's screen.
  2. Select System Preferences from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Parental Controls.
  4. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window.

  5. Enter the administrator username and password for your Mac.
  6. Click Unlock.

  7. Select an account that has parental controls enabled.
  8. Click on the Web tab at the top of the Parental Controls window.

  9. Click Allow unrestricted access to websites if you want your child to have access to all websites.
  10. Click Try to limit access to adult websites.

    • Click Customize to specify websites that your child can access and ones that they cannot.
    • Enter web addresses that your child can always access and ones your child can never access. This method is difficult and time-consuming, but if you know what to look for, it can give your kids more freedom to explore the internet.
  11. Click Allow access to only these websites to limit your children's use of the internet to only specific websites.

    • Click the add (+) button to add a specific website.
    • Click the remove (-) button to remove a specific website.

  12. Click Logs... to see what websites your child has visited and what apps your child has accessed.
    • You can view activity from today, through an entire year, or all data saved.
  13. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window before closing it to prevent further changes.

How to disable and restrict access to iTunes content with parental controls on the Mac

You may not want your little one downloading apps, games, music, and ebooks without your knowledge. You can disable downloads and restrict access to content with parental controls on the Mac.

  1. Click on the Apple icon in the far left corner of your Mac's screen.
  2. Select System Preferences from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Parental Controls.
  4. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window.

  5. Enter the administrator username and password for your Mac.
  6. Click Unlock

  7. Select an account that has parental controls enabled.
  8. Click on the Stores tab at the top of the Parental Controls window.

  9. Tick the box for iTunes Store to disable iTunes on your child's account.

    • You can customize whether you want you child to be able to have access to iTunes U and the iBook Store.
  10. Tick the box for Music with explicit content to hide all music rated as explicit.

  11. Tick the box for Movies to: to restrict what type of movies your child can watch in iTunes.

    • You can select G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17.

  12. Tick the box for TV shows to: to restrict what type of television shows your child can watch in iTunes.

    • You can select TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14, or TV-MA.

  13. Tick the box for Apps to: to restrict the rating of apps and games in the App Store.

    • You can select 4+, 9+, 12+, or 17+.

  14. Tick the box for Books with explicit sexual content to hide ebooks and iTunes U books that are rated as explicit.

  15. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window before closing it to prevent further changes.

How to set time limits for computer use with parental controls on the Mac

Just like playing video games or watching TV, we have to enforce limits on how much time our kids spend on the computer. You can set up time limits for your children's account for weekdays, weekends, and bedtime with parental controls.

  1. Click on the Apple icon in the far left corner of your Mac's screen.
  2. Select System Preferences from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Parental Controls.
  4. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window.

  5. Enter the administrator username and password for your Mac.
  6. Click Unlock.

  7. Select an account that has parental controls enabled.
  8. Click on the Time tab at the top of the Parental Controls window.

  9. Tick the box for Limit weekday use to: to set up how many hours per day during the week your child can access his or her account.

    • You can select between 30 minutes and 8 hours.

  10. Tick the box for Limit weekend use to: to set up how many hours on each weekend day your child can access his or her account.

    • You can select between 30 minutes and 8 hours.

  11. Tick the box for School nights to prevent access to a parental controlled account on weeknights.

    • You can set the block for any time of day and any length of time.

  12. Tick the box for Weekends to prevent access to a parental controlled account on the weekend.

    • You can set the block for any time of day and any length of time.

  13. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window before closing it to prevent further changes.

How to manage your child's privacy with parental controls on the Mac

Apps and games will sometimes ask for access to certain data, like location, photos, contacts, and more. Though access to this data is very helpful for grown-ups with productivity needs, it is not necessary, and better left hidden for some age groups.

  1. Click on the Apple icon in the far left corner of your Mac's screen.
  2. Select System Preferences from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Parental Controls.
  4. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window.

  5. Enter the administrator username and password for your Mac.
  6. Click Unlock.

  7. Select an account that has parental controls enabled.
  8. Click on the Privacy tab at the top of the Parental Controls window.

  9. Click on Manage Privacy to manually select apps and games that will be able to access data from your child.
  10. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window.

  11. Enter the administrator username and password for your Mac.
  12. Click Unlock.

  13. Select Location Services.
  14. Select or deselect the apps you want to determine the location of your child's computer.

    • You can also disable Location Services entirely, but it will disable Find My Mac.

  15. Go down the list of app types, (Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, etc.) and select or deselect specific apps that can access your child's data.

  16. Click Advanced and select Log out after [X] minutes of inactivity to secure your computer if your child leaves it for a certain amount of time.

    • Select Require an administrator password to prevent anyone from being able to change locked system preferences on your child's account without an administrator's password.

  17. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window before closing it to prevent further changes.

  18. Click the back arrow in the upper left corner of the Parental Controls window to go back to parental controls.

  19. Uncheck the boxes for Location Services, Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, Twitter, Facebook, and Diagnostics to lock the data to their current settings and prevent new apps from accessing it.
  20. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window before closing it to prevent further changes.

How to disable Siri and lock down certain utilities with parental controls on the Mac

Siri can make a lot of things easier to find on the Mac, but exposing your child to possible privacy and security risks may not be worth it. You can disable Siri and lock down certain computer utilities, like printer settings and Dock modifications, with parental controls.

  1. Click on the Apple icon in the far left corner of your Mac's screen.
  2. Select System Preferences from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on Parental Controls.
  4. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window.

  5. Enter the administrator username and password for your Mac.
  6. Click Unlock.

  7. Select an account that has parental controls enabled.
  8. Click on the Other tab at the top of the Parental Controls window.

  9. Tick the box for Turn off Siri & Dictation to disable Siri and Dictation, and blocking your child from accessing the features in Preferences.
  10. Tick the box for Disable editing of printers and scanners to block your child's access to printer and scanner settings.

  11. Tick the box for Block CD and DVD burning in the Finder to disable disc burning options via Finder.
  12. Tick the box for Restrict explicit language in Dictionary to hide certain words when your child uses the Look Up feature.

  13. Tick the box for Prevent the Dock from being modified to keep all apps in the Dock and stop new apps from being added to it.
  14. Tick the box for Use Simple Finder to change the available desktop features to be more friendly to young and inexperienced computer users.

  15. Click the lock in the bottom left of the Parental Controls window before closing it to prevent further changes.

Any questions?

Do you have any questions about setting up and customizing parental controls or enabling remote access to parental controls on a different computer? Let us know in the comments and we'll help you out.



Best Mac Eyeshadows For Brides

It includes 35 shimmery warm eyeshadows at a price of only $23. If you do the math it comes to 0.65 cents per eyeshadow, which is an amazing price. They also have a matte version of the same palette, however, I prefer this one better. Best Eyeshadows from MAC for Indian Brides: MAC Expensive Pink: Duochrome Rose Gold Shade. A wedding is incomplete without gold and glitter. Expensive Pink is a vibrant rose gold color.


10 Gorgeous MAC Eyeshadows For Indian Bridal Makeup

The wedding season is here again! All the would-be brides would be busy with their trousseau shopping and pre-bridal treatments. If you are fretting over your bridal makeup, we are here to offer you some help. As you all know, MAC eyeshadows have amazing texture and pigmentation, and available in a hell lot of finishes – satin, matte, pearl, shimmer and the colors are just awesome. Rati has swatched 101 MAC eyeshadows in this post here. If you are a would-be bride, check out MAC eyeshadows, in particular these ones that we have listed below because these are perfect for Indian bridal makeup.

1. MAC Cranberry: This is a frost finish eyeshadow with shimmer with beautiful pigmentation. It’s a deep plum/purplish eyeshadow.

2. MAC Humid: MAC describes this eyeshadow as an intense green with shimmer. It’s a moss green eyeshadow with golden sheen to it, the finish is frost. It is a well pigmented eyeshadow and would look great on all skin tones.

3. MAC Gold Mine: It’s a frost finish intense gold eyeshadow with shimmer, a deep yellowish gold. The texture is smooth with a golden sheen, lasts all day long, does not crease or fade, has excellent pigmentation.

4. MAC Fresh Water: It’s a vibrant blue eyeshadow with excellent pigmentation and finish. The finish is pearl, lasts all day long.

5. MAC Amber Light: It is described as a peachy brown eyeshadow with frosty shimmer. It’s a golden orangey and coppery super pigmented eyeshadow. It’s a festive color. You can pair it with greens, browns, blacks, plums, blues, and other colors. Rati states it’s a must-have eyeshadow.

6. MAC Coppering: It’s a satiny finish orange copper eyeshadow, has a metallic copper sheen to it. It can be used as an overall lid color as well as crease color. The texture is smooth and staying power is awesome.

7. MAC Expensive Pink: This eyeshadow is a gorgeous peachy gold duochrome eyeshadow. It is a velvet pearl finish eyeshadow, this color brightens up the complexion. It’s a long lasting eyeshadow with awesome payoff. You can pair it with any eyeshadow.

8. MAC Sketch: It’s a velvet finish eyeshadow, burgundy brown with minimal shimmer. The texture is smooth and blends beautifully.

9. MAC Honesty: It’s a lustre finish eyeshadow, muted bronzy gold eyeshadow with bronze shimmer, stays on throughout the day, and would suit all skin tones.

10. MAC Satin Taupe: It’s a frosted cool-toned brown eyeshadow with mauve undertones, the texture is velvety, stays all day long on the eyelids, and is super pigmented.

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Click HERE for my Top 15 Neutral MAC Eyeshadows

Click HERE for my Top 10 MAC Eyeshadows for Fair/Light skin.
Click HERE for my Top 10 MAC Eyeshadows for Medium/Tan Skin
Click HERE for my Top 10 MAC Eyeshadows for Dark Skin


Satin Taupe is absolutely gorgeous and because it has purple undertones, it really makes green eyes stand out!


Satellite Dreams is a midtone purple with bluish purple shimmer. This shadow looks stunning on green eyes! I love to wear it with my next recommendation…


Nocturnelle is a “pinked up chrome purple” according to MAC. I would call it a deep red based purple. This is a must have and pairs beautifully with Satin Taupe and Satellite Dreams.


Like I’ve said before, MAC’s Bronze is the most perfect true bronze shade EVER made. The warmth in this color makes it extremely flattering on green eyes.


I absolutely LOVE this color for green eyes! When applied it looks like a bronzy olive green, and it is a fun shadow to mix in with neutral looks.


No surprise here… I recommend Humid to everyone, but especially if you have green eyes. This is one of the best MAC eyeshadows hands down. Some say people with green eyes shouldn’t wear green shadows… Rules are made to be broken, and Humid is the perfect example!


Mac Best Selling Eyeshadows

Best Mac Eyeshadows For Brides
The reddish brown base in club works wonders on green eyes, and don’t even get me started on the teal duochrome!!


Best Mac Matte Eyeshadows

Sable is a bronzy, plummy, brown. It is gorgeous all over the lid, and can be worn by itself.


Embark is a matte red based brown that looks great with green eyes!

Best Mac Eyeshadow Combinations


Sketch is a very popular wine/burgundy color that is amazing as a crease color!



Best Recording Headset For Mac

Mac os 8 emulator. However installing MAC OS X on non- Apple hardware is a bit tiresome and complicated.

Word processor for mac os. Terri, PAGES is the word processor on the MacBook Air. It is excellent, opens Microsoft Word documents, and exports to Word and PDF. It is excellent, opens Microsoft Word documents, and exports to Word and PDF. Pages - its free, from Apple, optimised for OSX and is well integrated and the program itself is easy to use and has lots of professional capability! Mar 10, 2012  In reply to: Best word processor for Macbook air Pages, from the App Store, or even (cough) MS Office for Mac. Failing that, your 'blog' software should cover what you want to do.

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Best Colour Laser Printer For Mac

If you have a Mac, be it a traditional PC, an iMac all-in-one, or a MacBook, and you do a lot of printing, then you'll want the best printer for your Mac device. It also means you've come to the right place, as we've listed the very best printers for Mac, and with our own price comparison tool, you'll also get recommendations for the best prices as well, ensuring you get a brilliant deal. Getting the best printer for your Mac means ensuring that it can easily connect to your Apple product either via wires or wirelessly. The best printers for Macs will also be capable of high print quality. Many of us use Macs for creative work, so we need Mac printers that will do our work justice. The is a brilliant all-round printer for Macs that can print, scan and copy, all from one compact device.


Best Color Laser Printer For Mac 2019. Featured, MAC Printers / No Comments / Best Printer Under 100 Dollars 2019: For Mac and Windows. MAC Printers / No Comments / Best Photo Printer for Mac 2019 Review. MAC Printers / No Comments / 7 Best Laser Printers For Mac 2019 Review. Best Color Laser Printer 2018: Here you’ll get top 5 best Color Laser Printers of 2018. All these are fully compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux and Android Operating Systems. All these are fully compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux and Android Operating Systems.

It can connect to your home network wirelessly, which makes it perfect for printing from MacBooks and iPhones and its use of six single ink cartridges means you only need to change the color you run out of (rather than the whole lot) which can make it more affordable to run as time goes on. The is, in our view, the best photo printer you can buy today for Mac computers, thanks to its excellent print quality, and the fact that it can also handle large paper sizes, such as A3. We also love the fact that this printer is fast, and can dash off a 4 x 6-inch photo in just 34 seconds. As with the Canon Pixma TS8050 it is also wireless, again making it ideal for printing from MacBooks, iPhones and iPads. Canon's impressive build quality is also evident in this great printer.

(CENSORED) Customizable woman armors, tattoos and other cosmetics for Mount&Blade: Warband.There is a minimum amount of clothing restriction. It builds on New female body mod.The mod is under development. Best warband mods for mac. Mount and blade warband game is best action game for macOS and Linux. To make it more stunning here is mount and blade warband cheats for mac. Using cheats you can unlock full fun of the game just in few minutes. There’re different methods people using like by pressing combination of the button from the keyword, Or by using console commands. Dec 07, 2012  How to install mods for Mount and Blade Warband on mac. How To Get BEST PLATE Armour FREE! How To Install Mount and Blade Warband Mods - Duration: 5:12. Mount and Blade: Warband is the first sequel for the action role-playing video game Mount and Blade. First announced in January 2009, the game was developed by TaleWorlds and was published by Paradox Interactive on March 30, 2010.

Best Color Laser Printer For Mac Computers

Apple has recently been touting its green credentials, especially the fact that the new and are made out of recycled aluminum, and if you're as ecologically-conscious as Apple is, then you'll want an eco printer to connect up to your Mac. The Epson EcoTank ET-4550 helps save the environments – and your money – by allowing you to refill the printer using ink bottles, rather than wasteful cartridges. Epson also includes two years of ink with the package, which means no more expensive cartridges and instead, you have enough material to deliver 11,000 pages worth of black and colour inks (that's 700ml worth of liquid). One of the biggest selling points of Macs is that they 'just work'. You don't have to mess around with settings or go through long, complex setup procedures. Because of this, you'll likely want a printer that's just as simple to setup and use, which is why the Epson PictureMate PM-400 is one of our picks of the best printers for Mac, as it's incredibly easy to use. It has a nice design that fits in nicely whether you have it at home or in the office, and it's small enough to tuck away and even carry around with you.

Laser Printers For Mac Computers

If you're a professional photographer, it's very likely that you use a Mac to edit your photos on. It's also very likely that you'll need a professional photo printer that does your photos justice, as well as being able to handle large print sizes for displays and galleries. This is why the is on this list of the best Mac printers.

It's expensive, but it offers a wide range of features, professional color calibration and even tools for fine artists. This is not a photo printer for beginners wanting to print out a few holiday snaps, but if you work with photos for your profession, this is the best printer for you. If you're looking for a great all-round printer which doesn't skimp on print quality then the, Canon's flagship printer, is the printer for you. It's an expensive product, but considering the sheer quality of its printouts, it's well worth the cash if you use your Mac for photo editing and digital art. It also has an attractive design that will appeal to many people who admire Apple's aesthetics. While the looks of your printer may not seem that important, it does mean you don't feel the need to try and hide it away out of sight if you're using it at home alongside your iMac or HomePod.

Best Colour Laser Multifunction Printer For Mac

The HP T6B82A Color LaserJet Pro is a good entry-level laser printer that is great for small office and home use, and it works brilliantly with Macs. It strikes a very good balance between print quality and price, as it's cheaper than many other laser printers. It can also scan and photo copy, and it's pretty fast as well when it comes to printouts. If you're looking for an affordable laser printer and all-in-one, then this is a great choice for your Mac. The is a fantastic – and cheap – printer that's ideal for Mac owners who want a compact and stylish printer to match their MacBook or iMac, but who don't want to pay a huge amount for the privilege.

Best Vizualizer For Mac

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We're going to know the criteria to help you download Desktop VisualizeR PC on MAC or windows computer without much pain. Out of a number of paid and free Android emulators offered to PC, it may not be an easy step as you assume to find the most efficient Android emulator that operates well on your PC. To help you out we are going to highly recommend either Bluestacks or Andy os, both of them are often compatible with MAC and windows. After that, have a look at the recommended System requirements to install BlueStacks or Andy on PC before installing them. Now download one of the emulators, in case your Laptop or computer satisfies the suggested OS prerequisites.

Best Music Visualizer For Mac

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The best free antivirus for Mac Avast Security for Mac Avast Security for Mac is one of the most popular security suites available, and it’s easy to see why. Best antivirus for mac and iphone. Compare some of the best virus protection services for Mac There is a common misconception that Mac computers are so secure that they don’t need antivirus protection, this however is not correct! Although Macs are deemed more secure due to their sandboxed OS they are not infallible and need that extra level of protection that Mac antivirus provides. Home > MacClean > Mac Antivirus > 2018 Top 6 Best Mac Antivirus Software Review Computer security is a major concern for consumers all the time, but all kinds of computer viruses are always coming out, just like the WannaCry ransomware attack, a worldwide cyberattack earlier this year.

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Best Visualizer For Mac

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Best Music Visualizer For Mac

Right after you installed the Android emulator, it's possible to make use of Android application package file if you want to install Desktop VisualizeR for PC either by clicking on Android application package or by launching it via BlueStacks software for the reason that some of your favorite Android apps or games probably aren't accessible in google playstore as they do not stick with Program Policies. Should you wish to install Andy OS rather then BlueStacks or if you are going to download and install free Desktop VisualizeR for MAC, you can go through exact same process.

Best Superdrive For Mac

  1. Best Superdrive For Imac
  2. Best Superdrive For Macbook Pro

SeeThru® fits MacBook Pro 13' (June 2009 – June 2011 models with SuperDrive) -- Not compatible with Retina display models. SeeThru is the #1 bestselling hardshell case for MacBook* and is designed to take an impact – and make one. The form-fitting, glossy hardshell on our SeeThru MacBook Pro 13' case keeps scuffs and scratches at bay for on-the-go protection. Its sleek design features a lightweight two-piece design that’s easy to put on and remove.

Plus, rubberized feet add stability to prevent sliding and tilting so your MacBook Pro stays grounded. Our Onyx Black color option features a textured, scratch-resistant matte finish that resists scratches, fingerprints, and smudges while providing your MacBook Pro with a comfortable grip.

Like all of our products, this MacBook Pro 13' (SuperDrive) case has been lab-tested against extreme temperatures, cracks, chemicals, and abrasions. Speck makes products that are designed for impact to protect the tech you rely on. With a balance of slim lines and military-grade protection, we provide a difference you can see and feel. *#1 Best-Selling HardShell MacBook Brand.

Please be aware that while the 3,1 Mac Pro has the same GPU compatibility as the 4,1 or 5,1 that the older hardware of the 3,1 will result in some comparative bottlenecking. In general I recommend the GTX 770 as the high end for the 3,1 Mac Pro as it maintains its price/performance ratio. Jan 10, 2015  A few years ago I put a Radeon 5870 in this old early 2008 Mac Pro. It's a solid card, but the fan is ridiculously loud, even at idle. Best graphics card for mac pro 2008. Jun 08, 2016  What is the best video card upgrade for the 2008 Mac Pro. Discussion in 'Mac Pro' started by richmlow, Jun 3, 2016. May 06, 2014  I have a Mac Pro Early 2008 with the default graphics card (ATI Radeon HD 2600), and would like to make an upgrade to a better graphics card that will run games smoothly.

Is Apple about to kill the SuperDrive on Macs? Apple has decreed death to 32-bit apps on Macs. But with DVD player, QuickTime 7, and CD/DVD authoring apps stuck there, what's the future of the Mac.

Best scanner software for mac. 1-16 of over 3,000 results for 'best scanner for mac' Showing selected results. See all results for best scanner for mac. Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Premium Bundle with 3 Year Advanced Exchange Warranty. The Intuitive Portable Scanner with Rechargeable Battery and Amazing Software. $129.00 $ 129 00 $199.00 Prime. FREE Shipping on. Contrary to popular belief, MacOS is still susceptible to malware. Luckily, finding the best free antivirus for Mac isn't all that difficult, and there are a number of great solutions to pick from. May 07, 2017  What is the best software for scanners? My scanner is the Canoscan 4400F with Mavericks OSX 10.9.1 I have tried and had problems with Mac's Image Capture, as well as VueScan and Exact Scan Pro. Thanks for any suggestions on the best software for scanners.

Best Superdrive For Imac

NPD Laptop Cases. SeeThru® fits MacBook Pro 13' (June 2009 – June 2011 models with SuperDrive) -- Not compatible with Retina display models. SeeThru is the #1 bestselling hardshell case for MacBook* and is designed to take an impact – and make one. The form-fitting, glossy hardshell on our SeeThru MacBook Pro 13' case keeps scuffs and scratches at bay for on-the-go protection. Its sleek design features a lightweight two-piece design that’s easy to put on and remove.

Best Superdrive For Macbook Pro

Plus, rubberized feet add stability to prevent sliding and tilting so your MacBook Pro stays grounded. Our Onyx Black color option features a textured, scratch-resistant matte finish that resists scratches, fingerprints, and smudges while providing your MacBook Pro with a comfortable grip.

Like all of our products, this MacBook Pro 13' (SuperDrive) case has been lab-tested against extreme temperatures, cracks, chemicals, and abrasions. Speck makes products that are designed for impact to protect the tech you rely on. With a balance of slim lines and military-grade protection, we provide a difference you can see and feel. *#1 Best-Selling HardShell MacBook Brand.

NPD Laptop Cases. • SeeThru® fits MacBook Pro 13' (June 2009 – June 2011 models with SuperDrive) -- Not compatible with Retina display models.


• #1 best-selling protection. Equip your laptop with the #1 best-selling hardshell case for all MacBook models*. • Show your colors.

Dress your MacBook Pro in vivid color with a crystal finish. • Textured, matte finish.Scratch-resistant finish provides comfortable grip and resists fingerprints and smudges. • On-the-go protection. Form-fitting, glossy hard shell keeps scuffs and scratches at bay. Rubberized anti-tilt feet and vent slots keep your MacBook from overheating. • Sleek design. Ultra-thin and lightweight two-piece design is easy to snap on and off.

Best Antiviruses For Mac

Latest antivirus for Mac news More than $1.1 million was lost to cybercrime every minute in 2018. That’s the key takeaway of the latest RiskIQ Evil Internet Minute report. Choosing the best antivirus software for a Windows or Mac computer can be tough. With these tips from Consumer Reports testers, it's a whole lot easier. Macs need antivirus protection just like windows computers. There is a common misconception that a Mac is so secure that it doesnt need an antivirus, but this isnt the case!

Best Answer: I, personally, use Avast Anti-Virus and I love it. It has never let me down and has always done great. I also have it installed on my Windows PC and it is great on there too. The virus's I've had on Windows, it removed them instantly. I've never had any virus's on Mac so can't give my perspective on the virus removal on Mac.

It never slows down either computer. If you want a great anti-virus I recommend Avast Anti-Virus. • Answered by Preston H from Turbotville • Jan 31, 2015 •. This is a tricky question. How are you define what is the 'best' is?:) For some people 'best' means 'quick', for some 'not hungry for resources', for the others 'look good – feel safe'. The only adequate answer will be a competition.

Here is what i found: According the Tom's guide best overall antivirus is Avira, it is free and scored 9/10 BitDefender 7/10 (best paid antivirus) Avast 7/10 Kaspersky 6/10 Sophia 4/10 Webfoot 3/10 (google it, can't post direct link) All personal experience is subjective and simply a trust_to_a_brand preferences. Hope this helps. • Answered by Andrej O • Nov 20, 2015 •. What is best is relative.

#4 Best iPod Transfer Software - Senuti. Senuti, the backward spelling of iTunes, is an application works on macOS. It helps you manage your media library by facilitating the transfer of music, movies, and podcasts from iPod (and your iPhone, iPad) back to your computer. PROS: Straightforward perfect for. Free recording software mac. AnyTrans for Mac is a skillful iPod music transfer software which is meticulously designed for transferring iPod music and everything to & from Mac computer. Without bringing up bulky and tedious iTunes sync, now you can freely import / export iPod music. This is very versatile iPhone music transfer software that can transfer lots of data, like music, movies, photos, etc. Just as with iMyFone TunesMate, you can do way more than you can with iTunes alone and there is a free version and a paid version. IMacsoft iPad to Mac Transfer. The iMacsoft iPad to Mac Transfer is an easy to use iPad utility designed to help you backup and transfer all your files from your iPad to Mac. Backup and restore all of your iPad content; including your favorite Music, Movie, Photo, ePub, PDF, Audiobook, Camera Roll, Podcast and TV Shows.

That depends on you. Do you want to pay for the solution or not? Sophos (free) has worked well for me but so has Kaspersky. I have never had an actual virus on my Macbook Pro however, I have had to eliminate malware.


Malwarebytes has done the job for me and it was free. Remember if you don't have the correct virus definitions in your antivirus program you won't eliminate the virus. It isn't just the antivirus program that does the job, it depends on whether the program has the right tools for the job. • Answered by Dean M from Falmouth • Oct 29, 2015 •. The 'best' is relative to what situation you place yourself and your Mac in. Point being you must protect yourself and use your head by not downloading Adware, Malware etc.

Think abut what you're doing prior to doing it. Now, with that being said there are two world renowned, well respected sites which you can find answers to your many Anti-Virus, Adware, Anti-Malware questions.

These are AV-Test.Org as well as AV-Comparatives.Org. Best sdr software for mac. These compare both free as well as paid services and are updated regularly. When it comes to the OS X environment there are bugs that will infect your machine.

It is not impossible to infiltrate a Mac. One of the largest threats is passing a Windows based malware from your Mac to a friend or family member who use Windows.

Without going off on a long winded tangent, visit these sites and find a product which will fit your needs. There are free products which test higher than some paid engines and some products which are completely useless.

However, do yourself a favor and look into these. This combined with using your head will provide a long and happy life for your Mac.

• Answered by Brent R from Florissant • Mar 7, 2016 •. Well, I have believed the legendary story that Mac does not need anti-virus software. I saw this on web and also was told by Apple Genius. I also was told by Apple Genius that if I do need anti-virus software, go to download 'Malwarebytes', which would work just fine. I downloaded and tried, it did get rid of some ads malware from Mac. But yesterday, I got a pop-up windows from Safari asking me some kine of 'certificate', Malwarebytes did not work.

So I had to restart safari. Today I did not see that pop-up windows. Due to this, I recalled I used to have a ClamXav (free).

Best Antivirus App For Mac

I tried it but now it looks it does not offer for free and you have to pay after 30 day trial. So I use this 30 day trial to scam my Mac. Best word processor for mac air. You know what, I did not realize that there were more than 10 trojan files on my computer (most emails), something like adware.osx.spigot.So what I want to say is that it simply is not true that Mac is a steel fort without virus. But still Mac is better than Windows. Even I have those things on my computer, it looks it has not bothered me too much! So my best suggest is to find a good anti-virus software based on what you can afford and whether you really want to have it. • Answered by Jinying Z from Clive • Dec 9, 2015 •.